Fotografie Prof. Jaro Křivohlavý

Jaro Křivohlavý - Curriculum vitae


Born in Třebenice, Czech Rep. on the 19th of March 1925.
Living now in Prague, 4, Nad cementárnou 18, 14700 Prague, CZ
Phone: +420/261213863
Web Site:

Married 19.10.1951 Marta born Novotna, In 2001 golden wedding. We have two boys - Jaromír 1953 and Pavel 1968 and a daughter Martha born 1956. Altogether 7 grandchildren: Jan, Jana, Marek, Marie, Lukas, Jakub and Jana - two of them are already married.


Christian, protestant - member of the Evangelic Church of the Czech Brethren: baptised and confirmed (1939), ordained presbyter and lay preacher, 5 years member of the Prague-region adminsistration of the church and 15 years (1969 - 1984) thrice elected as a lai member of the leading body of the whole church -Synodal Counsel. In 1967 member of the Church and Society WCC meeting in Geneve, 1968 adviser to the Uppsala general meeting of the WCC. 1955- 2003 member of the Praha Branik congregation.


Secondary (Middle) school maturities: 1945 Real gymnasium in Roudnice and 1964 elektrotechnic and electronic middle school in Prague. University: Charles university - philosofical faculty 1945 - 1949; middle school teacher of English and philosophy and 1950 PhD in psychology. Scientific quality: in 1966 C. Sc. - candidat scienciarum. University lectorship: 1976 Docent in psychology at the Charles univesity Prague. Professor of psychology in 1996.

Special: In 1942 catched by Gestapo and inprisonned by the NAZI in the concentration camp Kleine Festung Theresienstadt as a political Häftling. Three years working undergraund in the black coal mines at Kladno.

Professional and scientific work

15 years in basic, experimental and applied research in Prague and since 1967 - 1994 in the Postgradual Medical Institute in Prague teaching medical doctors in their preparation for specializing in medicine and as well working in the hospitals esp. with cancer patients, coronary ill patients and with the handicapped. One schoolyear (1977-1978) teaching psychology as visiting profesor - the s.c. Wilhelm Wund Ehr-Docent - at the University of Leipzig, Germany (with prof. Vorwerg). 1985 - 1995 teaching (in an en-block-system) at the University at Innsbruck, Dept. of Psychology (with prof. Pio Sbandi). 1995 - 2000 teaching at the Evangelical Theological Seminary inPrague. 1999- 2001 member of the American Association of Christian Couselors. From 1996 up to now lecturing (part time) at the Medical School of the Charles University, Since the winter semester 2002 up to now lecturing (part time) at the Charles Univesity -Faculty of Humanitarian Sciences (Topic: Health Psychology).

Letures at other universities: Poland: Warszowie, Poznan, Wroclav. Sweden: Uppsala, Umeo. Norway: Oslo,. Hungary: Budapest. Germany: Berlin, Marburg, Leipzig, Heidelberg. Venezuela: Caracas etc.


published in the last years

Main scientific work: Zwischenmenschliche Konlikte und experimentelle Spiele. (in the German language), Hans Huber Verlag, Bern, 1973 (661 s).

Psychology of illness (Psychologie nemoci), Grada, Praha, 2002.

Health Psychology (Psychologie zdraví). Portal, Praha, 2001.

Psychology of Pastoral Care (Pastorální péče). Oliva, Praha, 2000.

Burnout Psychology (Jak neztratit nadšení). Grada, Praha 1998.

Coping with Depression (Jak zvládat depresi). Grada, Praha.1997, 2nd ed. 2003.

Communicating Hope (Sdílení naděje). Návrat domů, Praha, 1997.

Psychology of Listening (Povídej-naslouchám). Návrat domů, Praha, 1993.

Translation of this book was published in the lituanian language: Kalbék - as klausdausi. Jona Likdykla, Siauliai, 1996.

Interpersonal Relations and Activities (Tajemství úspěšného jednání). Grada Publising, Praha, 1995.

Coping with Stress (Jak zvládat stres). Grada Publishing, Praha 1994.

Christian Care for the Dying patients (Křesťanská péče o nemocné). Advent, Praha 1991.

Interpersonal conflicts - how are they born, how to solve them creatively and how to prevent them. Portal, Praha, 2003.

Positive Psychology. Hope, Joy and Forgiveness. Portál, Praha, 2004.

How to Survive Anger, Resentment and aAggression. Grada Publishing. Praha, 2004.

Mental Hygiene for Nurses. Grada Publishing. Avicennum, Praha.

On Forgiveness with Jaro Křivohlavy, Karmelitanské Nakl. Kostelní Vydří. 2004.

General orientation in Psychology

Main Fields of psychology: Clinical and Social Psychology, Health Psychology, Psychology of Religion.

In Clinical Psychology: Aaron Antonovsky´s concept of sense of coherence in coping with illness.

In Psychotherapy: Logotherapy of the Viktor E. Frankl´s Art.

In Health psychology: Empiric and experimental studies in mental health.

In Social Psychology: Social Communication esp. in the Art of Martin Buber´s Dialogue.

In Religious Psychology: psychology of Meaningfulnes of Life,

Forgiveness and Reconciliation.

Prague, the 22.November 2004.